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Fred Antson

Fred Antson graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1986) and studied for PhD at the Institute of Crystallography (Moscow, USSR Academy of Sciences) in the laboratory of protein structure led by Boris Vainstein. During 1987-1989, as a member of a working group, Fred Antson was involved in the USSR Academy of Sciences initiative to set up a synchrotron radiation station for protein crystallography at the Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk, Russia). After a number of visits to European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Hamburg (1990-1992) where Fred Antson worked with Keith Wilson, in 1992 Fred Antson joined the laboratory of Guy Dodson at York. Since 1998 my research has been supported by the Wellcome Trust, this enabled me to set up a research group focused on studying structures and mechanisms of several protein-nucleic acid assemblies.


  • 1998 - Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship
  • 2002 – Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship
  • 2007 – Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship, renewal for further 5 years

Research Summary

The group's interests are in understanding the molecular events that control biological mechanisms and we are concentrating on protein - nucleic acid interactions because of their key role in many biological processes. The major aim is to study, by X-ray structural analysis combined with several biophysical/biochemical methods, the structure and function of protein-nucleic acid complexes present in molecular motors and in steady assemblies.