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User's Guide to Carotenoids

User's Guide to Carotenoids & Flavonoids: Learn How to Harness the Health Benefits of Natural Plan Antioxidants

Автор: Jack Challem
Оригинал издан: 2005
Издательство: Basic Health Publications
Выпуск: 27 января 2006 г.
Страниц: 91

«User's Guide to Carotenoids & Flavonoids: Learn How to Harness the Health Benefits of Natural Plan Antioxidants»книга 2005 года.



От издателя

«Book DescriptionWe all know that fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods. But relatively few people understand that the health benefits of these foods are largely the result of two families of powerful antioxidant nutrients: carotenoids…»


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